Project Description
7. Uzbek (Northern) in Uzbekistan
A people of 25 million with less than 2 thousand known believers

Population: 25,392,000
Christians: 0.01% – 2,500
Workers Needed: 508
Language: Uzbek, Northern
Written Scripture: Complete Bible
Movements: None Reported
Religion: Islam
Oral Scripture: Complete Bible
Uzbek (Northern) in Uzbekistan
The earliest ancestors of the Uzbeks, the Central Asian Turks, aided Genghis Khan in his conquest of eastern Europe in the 1300s. Eventually, as unity between the Turks and Mongols faded, numerous warring kingdoms were formed. It was from several of these kingdoms that the Uzbeks descended.
Ministry Obstacles
Proselytizing is forbidden, and the common practice of winning individuals away to Christ away from their families is counterproductive.
Outreach Ideas
Many younger Uzbeks are looking for a belief system to satisfy their deepest spiritual hunger. Pray for workers to sow God’s Word into Uzbek families, healing and strengthening households with God’s blessing.
Pray for the followers of Christ
Pray that the believers among the Uzbeks will be effective at engaging their families and communities in discussing Bible stories and experiencing God’s blessing.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray for the families and communities in this large people group to discover and embrace the truth about the Prophet Isa (Jesus), about
whom the Koran teaches, and whom the Bible reveals in fullness. Pray the Uzbeks will understand that Jesus desires to bless their families and neighborhoods. Please also see the prayer points on page 4.
Scripture focus
“Give thanks to the Lord, call on His Name; make known among the nations what He has done.” Psalm 105:1
Do you know this group?
If you have worked with this people group, know someone who has, or have access to stories or information about this group, we would love to hear from you. More information means more focused, strategic prayer. Your personal information always will remain confidential.
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