United, Informed, Prevailing Prayer Empowers Loving Obedience in Blessing and Discipling ALL Nations
THEN ...
About three hundred years ago, in 1727, as God prepared to stir accelerating progress in global mission outreach, the Holy Spirit fell on Moravian refugees in Herrnhut, Germany. This “second Pentecost” led those present to commit to round the clock prayer in shifts.
Through their obedience in prayer, the Holy Spirit:
• launched a round-the-clock prayer watch that lasted more than 100 years,
• sent out hundreds of missionaries,
• established thousands of mission stations, and
• birthed the first concerted Protestant mission efforts.
Learn what God was doing then, and is doing again now ...

NOW ...
In May of 2017, mission and prayer leaders gathered in Herrnhut to commemorate that earlier outpouring and seek God together for multiplied prayer and fruitfulness through the prayer networks and mission efforts God has raised up in our day.
Shortly thereafter, dozens of movement leaders who had gathered to seek the Lord’s guidance felt stirred to seek God together for a Jesus movement among every unreached people and place by 2025. The new 24:14 Coalition they formed has brought new levels of trust and collaboration, and is accelerating the multiplication of Jesus movements.
God is stirring something big in our day, and inviting you to join the global prayer movement in “pray-paring” the way for His blessing to finally extend to all of earth’s peoples. God has declared:
I will … make you a light for the [nations], that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:6)
Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance…
(Ps 2:8)
Historical Prayer/Mission Movements

Following Jesus’ command, the first 120 disciples sought God together daily for the promised Holy Spirit until He came. Their answered prayers emboldened and empowered their witness, and launched the fulfillment of Jesus’ commission to bless all nations—discipling all nations to lovingly obey Him.

1727 Moravian Prayer
A small band of Moravian refugees sought the Lord together until the Holy Spirit fell again. The prayer chain that resulted continued around the clock for 100 years, thrusting laborers into the global harvest and laying the seeds for William Carey, the conversion of John Wesley, and the Great Awakening.

1806 Haystack Prayer
Five students praying outdoors for revival were caught by a rainstorm. They took refuge under the edge of a haystack, where the Holy Spirit impressed them to take the gospel to the least evangelized parts of the world. The resulting movement multiplied protestant laborers 10-fold and greatly accelerated the spread of the gospel.

1980s Prayer for the Unreached & 10/40 Window
As the global Church was awakened to the reality of thousands of Unreached People Groups with very few believers, sustained prayer led to a continuing series of Jesus movement breakthroughs which are multiplying to this day, yielding about 70 million new disciples by the end of 2018!

2019 Prayer for the Frontier People Groups
Prayer network and mission leaders are uniting in seeking God’s glory among the one fourth of the world living in Frontier People Groups (FPGs)—where less than one in a thousand (0.1%) identify with Jesus in any way.

Join the Prayer Movement Today!
Join the global prayer movement pursuing the Holy Spirit for Jesus movements among the 31 largest FPGs, and among all Frontier People Groups.