Project Description
3. Arab, Moroccan in Morocco
A people of 19 million with less than 17 thousand known believers

Population: 18,942,000
Christians: 0.09% – 17,000
Workers Needed: 379
Language: Arabic, Moroccan Spoken
Written Scripture: Complete Bible
Movements: None Reported
Religion: Islam
Oral Scripture: Complete Bible
Arab, Moroccan in Morocco
In 670 AD, the Umayyads of Damascus completed the first Islamic conquest of the North African coastal plain, settling in what is now Morocco, which they called “Maghreb al Aqsa” or “The Far West.” Arabs have ruled this region ever since, including the original Berber tribal groups of North Africa, some of whom were Christians before the Arab invasion. This cultural mix is honored for scholarly advances in science, mathematics, astronomy, geography, and medicine.
Ministry Obstacles
Although Morocco allows people from other religions to have religious freedom, the King of Morocco has declared that all native Moroccans are Sunni Muslims. It is considered a betrayal of family and heritage to worship Jesus as God.
Outreach Opportunities
Pray for Christian businessmen to apply the Matt 10 and Luke 10 pattern for finding persons of peace and blessing whole households among these Arab/Berber peoples.
Pray for the followers of Christ
There is a long history of many laborers working in Morocco to this day. Pray for unity among diverse Moroccan believers, and for believers to be effective in sharing with their households, so that the gospel is seen as a blessing rather than a curse. Pray for reproducing households of faith.
Pray for the entire people group
Pray that, as Moroccan Arabs read the Qur’an—which honors Jesus (Isa al Masih) as a great prophet born of a virgin, whole families will have dreams and visions of Jesus the Messiah, be drawn to him, and study the Bible to learn more about him. Pray for a strong gospel movement to overcome Islamic teaching that the Bible has been corrupted, and bring whole Moroccan Arab families and communities, and even many other peoples, into a rich experience of God’s blessing.
Scripture focus
“That all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no one else.” 1 Kings 8:60
Do you know this group?
If you have worked with this people group, know someone who has, or have access to stories or information about this group, we would love to hear from you. More information means more focused, strategic prayer. Your personal information always will remain confidential.
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