through May 2020

A time of united, informed prayer
for the largest gaps in God’s blessing!

Join networks around the world in prayer for the 400 largest Frontier People Groups (each over 500,000 in population) to experience God’s blessing through Jesus.

Each day, learn about and pray for one of these group through the coordinated publication (web, email and smartphone App) of:

Among Frontier People Groups (FPGs):
  • Less than one person in 1,000 identifies with Jesus, and
  • there are no sustained Jesus movements yet.

Without laborers from the outside, those living in these groups have almost no chance of hearing Jesus’ voice and following Him before they die.

These 400 largest Frontier People Groups contain:

  • who live in a Frontier People Group.

Your prayers are vital to ending this Great Injustice.

Invite others to join you in:

Jointly sponsored by the

Learn far more at Joshua Project regarding: